The 1951 film The Day the Earth Stood Still is widely regarded as one of the best and most thought-provoking science fiction films of all time. Although chiefly described as an anti-war film, its depiction of extraterrestrials as benevolent contrasts with later depictions in cinema of extraterrestrials as hostile towards humanity. According to Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project, this change in perception was due to a concerted effort by the CIA to implant fear into the public mind regarding the UFO phenomenon for psychological warfare purposes. This essay will examine how Steven Greer’s work and The Day the Earth Stood Still itself show how and why illegal elements within the United States Government have suppressed the UFO Phenomenon.
The Day the Earth Stood Still is based on Harry Bates's 1940 short story Farewell to the Master. Before discussing UFOs and extraterrestrial life in depth, it is crucial to outline the film’s plot to understand its message and context. The film begins on 17 July 1951 [Based on the dry-cleaning tag with the date July 18, 1951. Klaatu later says he had been at Walter Reed Hospital for two days- BB] when a flying saucer lands on a field in Washington, DC. An extraterrestrial named Klaatu (Michael Rennie) emerges with a gift for the US President, only to be shot by a soldier who thinks he is carrying a weapon. A robot called Gort (Lock Martin) appears from the spaceship and destroys all military weapons and vehicles in the vicinity before being stopped by Klaatu. Klaatu is taken to Walter Reed Hospital for two days before escaping and moving into a boarding house with Helen Benson (Patricia Neal) and her son, Bobby (Billy Gray). While spending the day with Bobby to understand Earth’s people, Klaatu arranges a meeting with Professor Jacob Barnhardt (Sam Jaffe), who agrees to set up a meeting with the world’s best scientists to tell them his plans for peace on Earth.
Two days later, Klaatu and Gort stop all electricity on the planet for 30 minutes to demonstrate their power; only hospitals and aircraft in flight remain active. On his way to the meeting, Klaatu is shot by soldiers but tells Helen beforehand to say to Gort, “Klaatu barada nikto.” [According to Edmund North’s original script, Klaatu barada nikto translates as “there is hope for this planet if the scientists can be reached” – BB]. Upon saying these words to Gort, the robot takes Klaatu’s lifeless body to the spaceship and temporarily restores him to life. He then states his plans to the scientists arrayed outside the spacecraft. He reveals to them that he is “an emissary from an organization of planets that has come to the conclusion that war is insane” (Stacy & Syvertsen, 1983, p.135). He reveals that they have eliminated all war and violence in their society by creating robots like Gort to patrol the planets and eliminate any signs of aggression. He concludes his speech with an ultimatum, “Your choice is simple: join us and live in peace or continue your present course and face obliteration” (Wise, 1951). He then departs with Gort into his spaceship and disappears into space.
Since 1951, many people have compared Klaatu's story to Christ's life. For example, he adopts the name Carpenter, is betrayed by a Judas-like figure, and is resurrected from the dead. In addition, when Klaatu is brought back to life, he tells Helen that the power of life and death “is reserved for the all-mighty spirit” (Wise, 1951). Fans in the 1960s first pointed out these comparisons, although Robert Wise and Julian Blaustein maintained that they were unaware of the religious symbolism. In an interview with Steve Rubin, Edmund North revealed, “It was my private little joke. I never discussed this angle with Blaustein or Wise because I didn’t want it expressed” (Bohus, 2020, p.22). North said the film's comparisons would be subliminal and intended for those who wanted to see them. This aspect is relevant when the redeemer complex and annihilation theology are discussed later in this essay.
Klaatu belongs to a category of extraterrestrial beings that ufologists call Nordics. These beings are generally human-like with long hair and blue eyes and wear a one-piece, tight outfit like a ski suit or motorbike leather. Rupert Matthews explains, “Reports of the Nordics were most frequent during the 1950s and 1960s, but declined in number during the 1970s and have never really become numerous again” (Matthews, 2008, p.117). Like Klaatu, these beings came to Earth with good intentions and warned against the use of nuclear weapons on Earth and in space. In Alien Encounters, Rupert Matthews mentions that robots are the second most numerous beings encountered during UFO sightings and “tend to be of metallic appearance and often have flashing lights attached to their bodies” (Matthews, 2008, p.118). Other extraterrestrial types include goblins, tricksters and greys, although these entities could be programmed lifeforms created by the military-industrial complex to serve psychological warfare purposes.
UFO sightings predate the twentieth century by thousands of years. One of the earliest recorded sightings took place in 1457 BCE during the reign of Egyptian Pharaoh Thutmose III. Egyptian scribes recorded circles of fire that “shone more in the sky than the brightness of the sun, and extended to the limits of the four supports of the heavens” (Calkins, 1982, p.207). This event took place before the Battle of Megiddo, and subsequent UFO sightings throughout history generally occur around times of military conflict. In his 1950 book, The Flying Saucers Are Real, Donald Keyhoe argued that the Earth had been under observation by extraterrestrials since the eighteenth century. Beginning in 1870, reports of UFOs began to increase in North America and Europe, corresponding with the rise of the United States and Germany as major world powers. This continued into the twentieth century when, according to Donald Keyhoe, “World War I had not greatly concerned the space observers…But World War II had drawn more attention, and this had obviously increased from 1947 up to the present time” (Keyhoe, 2020, p.93). He argued that the increased interest was due to the detonation of the first atomic bombs in 1945, which would have disturbed other planetary systems due to its effect on the multi-dimensional fabric of the universe.
One of the most thought-provoking scenes in The Day the Earth Stood Still is when Klaatu meets Professor Barnhardt for the first time. After revealing his identity to the scientist, he tells Barnhardt:
“So long as you were limited to fighting among yourselves with your primitive tanks and aircraft, we were unconcerned. But soon one of your nations will apply atomic energy to spaceships. That will create a threat to the peace and security of other planets” (Wise, 1951).
What is said in this scene is consistent with Disclosure Project witness testimony from military personnel who have worked at nuclear and air force facilities: extraterrestrials are deeply concerned with the existential threat we pose to ourselves, the Earth and other planets. To quote Colonel Ross Dedrickson, “The idea of any explosion of a nuclear weapon in space by any Earth government was not acceptable to the extraterrestrials and that has been demonstrated over and over by the destruction of any nuclear weapon we sent into space” (Greer, 2017, p.190). According to Steven Greer, one prerequisite for travelling beyond our solar system is abandoning our warlike ways and living in peace with each other and other civilisations in the universe. Greer states in his book Unacknowledged, “The key to our being welcome in the cosmos is peace” (Greer, 2017, p.178).
In The Flying Saucers Are Real, Donald Keyhoe’s inferences echo Klaatu’s realisation in The Day the Earth Stood Still: “It was possible that men from another planet might have to reorient even their way of thinking to understand the earth’s ways” (Keyhoe, 2020, p.101). According to Steven Greer, our technologies have gone way ahead of our social and spiritual development (Carson, 2021). He explains that our civilisation is currently in a state of disunity and war but will eventually progress through four levels of civilisation over the next 500,000 years. Level 1 is known as a Global Civilisation in which there is a state of relative peace supported by zero-point energy technology. Level 2 is a Peaceful Civilisation in which the science of consciousness is pursued, and trans-dimensional technologies are used for peaceful purposes. Level 3 is known as an Interstellar Civilisation in which the development and practice of higher consciousness states allow travel to other star systems. Finally, Level 4 is known as a Cosmic Consciousness Civilisation in which its senior ambassadors are enlightened and can contact and guide other civilisations in their spiritual evolution. Beyond these levels involve the development of higher states of enlightenment in which the physical world takes on qualities of the spiritual realm: “As above, so below.”
The fact that extraterrestrials are drawn to sites where nuclear weapons are stored was demonstrated in what is undoubtedly the most famous UFO event in history: The Roswell Incident. In July 1947, the Roswell Army Air Force Base was the home of the 509th bomber squadron – the Enola Gay, which dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, originated from there. According to an FBI memorandum by field agent Guy Hottel, dated 22 March 1950, three UFOs were downed by a high-powered radar signal, which, according to Hottel, “interferes with the controlling mechanism of the saucers” (Greer, 2017, p.13). One live extraterrestrial, EBE (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity), was recovered at the site and held in Los Alamos until 1952. Steven Greer said, “It had a chlorophyll-based internal anatomy and it processed food into energy and waste material in the same manner as plants” (Greer, 2017, p.25). Interestingly, the extraterrestrial in the 1951 film The Thing from Another World had a similar biology. By the time EBE passed away in 1952, a total of 13 extraterrestrial spacecraft and 65 bodies had been recovered in New Mexico, Nevada and Arizona (Greer, 2017, p.24).
The Roswell Incident led to significant changes within the US government and intelligence community. Under President Harry Truman, the CIA was formed on 18 September 1947, along with the US Air Force, which was split off from the Army Air Force. Six days later, an organisation known as Majestic-12 was formed as a Top Secret Research and Development gathering agency for the UFO phenomenon, answerable only to the US President. According to the Eisenhower Briefing Document, dated 18 November 1952, Majestic-12 consisted of six military and six civilian personnel: Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, Vannevar Bush, James V. Forrestal, Nathan F. Twining, Hoyt S. Vandenburg, Detlev Bronk, Jerome Hunsaker, Sidney W. Souers, Gordon Grey, Donald Menzel, Robert M. Montague, and Lloyd V. Berkner (Hillenkoetter, 1952, p.2). Following his death on 22 May 1949, James Forrestal was replaced by Walter B. Smith on 1 August 1950.
As the name suggests, Majestic-12's policies could only be mandated by a majority vote of twelve. It acted as an independent agency operating on a black budget. By the end of Dwight D. Eisenhower’s presidency in 1961, these projects, known as USAPs (Unacknowledged Special Access Projects), had become increasingly compartmentalised away from the legal, constitutional chain-of-command oversight and control. This prompted Eisenhower to deliver his famous “military-industrial complex” speech in January 1961, in which he warned:
“In the councils of Government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the Military Industrial Complex…Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense [sic] with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together” (Greer, 2017, p.44).
Here, Eisenhower is not talking about the conventional military; he is talking about the illegal part of it, which has much more technological and financial power than the US Government. According to Robert Wood, this group has 200-300 members from numerous countries connected to economics, military, religion, media, politics, and science (Greer, 2004, p.49). In other words, it is more prosaic and nuanced than just one big enterprise.
It has often been asked why the United States government would cover up the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. There are three reasons for this in the context of the geopolitical landscape of the 1940s and 1950s. First, to ensure their enemies during the Cold War, the Russians, did not acquire the technology. This is still a valid reason today for other reasons as we shall see. Second, they did not want the public to know the US Air Force could not control its airspace and subsequently cause panic among the public. Third, the political, economic, religious, and scientific establishments would collapse because it would throw into question many of the most widely held views about humanity. The White Hot Report, dated 19 September 1947, bears this out. Among the opinions in the document includes the statement, “The ability of the Armed Forces to secure National Security would be put in jeopardy and possibly lead to undue public fear and disorder” (Twining, 1947, p.57). In addition, the report also says, “History and religion in the political context would probably suffer the most damage causing unprecedented upheaval in social and psychological well-being” (Twining, 1947, p.57). Given the geopolitical tensions at the time, it would have been irresponsible to disclose to the public the existence of UFOs without adequate prior knowledge.
Military personnel tracking UFOs have noted the tremendous speeds and manoeuvres exhibited by the spacecraft. UFOs have reached speeds of 4,000 miles per hour, only to stop and make a 90-degree turn, which is impossible for a conventional aircraft. In other words, they defy the Law of Inertia, which Klaatu defines as “the property of matter by which it remains in uniform motion unless acted upon by external force” (Wise, 1951). According to Steven Greer, extraterrestrials have overcome the inertia problem through high-voltage, electromagnetic technology that allows an object to become weightless, levitate, and move mass-free (Greer, 2017, p.239). This is known as the Biefeld-Brown Effect and has been combined with the thought control interface from the craft’s pilots. As explained by Richard Doty, “The creatures would put their hands on controls and they’d have this headset on, and this headset would somehow control or help them control the aircraft” (Greer, 2017, p.17). In simple terms, extraterrestrials employ the science of consciousness.
In Farewell to the Master, Gort is called Gnut and is described as a giant humanoid robot who “stood like the powerful god of the machine of some undreamt-of scientific civilization” (Bates, 2021, p.2). According to Steven Greer, advanced extraterrestrial civilisations use technology that interfaces with consciousness, directed thought and intent to traverse space-time. In other words, “ET electronic communications systems are ones which interface with mind, thought and computerized telemetry” (Greer, 2017, p.241). This is relevant because, as early as the 1950s, classified projects were working in this field and created electronic remote viewing systems that allowed users to see remote places and times (Carson, 2021). Extraterrestrial spacecraft operate under similar principles, meaning their technology has a certain degree of consciousness that works with its pilots.
When Klaatu and Bobby visit the flying saucer stationed in Washington, DC, Klaatu tells Bobby that the craft is powered by atomic energy. Interestingly, in a document written to the US Army Air Force Headquarters on 16 July 1947, General Nathan F. Twining came to the same conclusion regarding the propulsion system of a UFO recovered earlier that month. He wrote, “Upon examination of the interior of the craft, a compartment exhibiting a possible atomic engine was discovered” (Twining, 1947, p.22). According to Twining, the centre of the craft had a doughnut-shaped plastic tube about 35 feet in diameter that served as a storage battery or control machine for the vehicle. In an interview with Steven Greer, Richard Doty revealed that every extraterrestrial craft recovered by the US military had one of these devices. He said, “It was an energy device that used zero-point energy. And it was connected in such a manner that this device could power from a very small flashlight to an entire city” (Greer, 2017, p.69). This revelation is critical to understanding the UFO coverup.
Zero-point energy is the new frontier in science and technology. Thomas Valone describes zero-point energy as “the sea of energy that pervades all of space and every atom, often called the physical vacuum” (Eversole, 2013, p.309). This energy source was first discovered by Nikola Tesla in 1901 and has enormous implications for humanity. As Giancarlo Esposito narrates in the film Unacknowledged:
“The implications of free energy go far beyond keeping the lights on in your home or running your car without gasoline. Most of the cost of making anything, from growing food to constructing a skyscraper, is the energy used to mine the raw materials out of the ground, ship, process, ship again, package and deliver. A free energy society in which the cost of manufacturing and agriculture move towards zero would mean endless abundance for everyone on Earth” (Mazzola, 2017).
In other words, the extra money flowing into the economy would eliminate poverty and inequality within a single generation. Combined with automation, climate change and environmental devastation would also be halted because these energy systems are non-polluting. However, this would also mean the end of the macroeconomic system based on fossil fuels and a handful of industrial elites and corporations. Because of this, these powers have ruthlessly suppressed zero-point energy systems since 1901.
While there are sweeping conspiracy theories involving groups like the Freemasons and Bilderbergers, the main reason for the secrecy is that zero-point energy would decentralise power away from the multi-trillion-dollar oil economy. Indeed, according to Steven Greer, 50-60% of the people within these groups want zero-point energy disclosed to avert environmental, economic and geopolitical catastrophe. As Steven Greer says, “They see that and want to fix it, but they’re overruled by a ruthless, sociopathic minority – a minority who has not hesitated to kill its enemies…and its own” (Greer, 2017, p.59). In a sense, the sociopaths in control of these USAPs are like the Zaddikim that occupied Palestine between 200 BCE and 70 CE. According to John Lamb Lash, the Zaddikim were an extremist, apocalyptic sect who saw themselves as chosen by God to be an example of superhuman perfection who would inherit the world at the end of time. To quote Lash, “Those who adopt that standard must stand against humankind at large. They must, in effect, reject their own humanity for a superhuman ideal” (Lash, 2006, p.69). In other words, much of the environmental destruction and political conflict in the world today is primarily the work of people who have betrayed their humanity in the name of religious ideals.
In a 1952 document, the Director of the CIA, Walter Smith, proposed to the National Security Council that the “problems connected with unidentified flying objects appear to have implications for psychological warfare as well as for intelligence and operations” (Smith, 1952, p.52). In other words, the UFO subject has been exploited to serve the interests of the military-industrial complex. According to Steven Greer, 90% of the information on the topic of UFOs and extraterrestrial life is disinformation circulated by the CIA to create fear in the public mind around the subject. This includes Hollywood, with many science fiction films made since 1953, such as Alien and Independence Day, portraying extraterrestrials as hostile towards humanity. However, as Steven Greer points out in Unacknowledged, “The fact that you and I are still breathing the free air of Earth is abundant testimony to their restraint and non-hostility” (Mazzola, 2017). If extraterrestrials were hostile, we would have known about it the day we detonated the first atomic bomb. Indeed, the military-industrial complex feels so threatened by the UFO phenomenon because it is closely aligned with the raising of human consciousness, which would put them out of business and threaten their full-spectrum dominance over the planet.
Despite Klaatu being portrayed in The Day the Earth Stood Still as peaceful and benevolent, there are specific cases when he threatens to destroy the Earth if humans do not stop fighting wars. For example, he warns, “If you threaten to extend your violence, this Earth of yours will be reduced to a burned-out cinder” (Wise, 1951). In Not In His Image, John Lamb Lash dubs this insane logic “annihilation theology.” He explains how it is embedded into Christian ideology, saying about the Book of Revelation, “John’s rabid vision of planetary holocaust concludes the New Testament, the good news of God’s redemption achieved through his son, who blithely tells everyone to “love thy neighbour” (Lash, 2006, p.276). This eschatological belief is also the driving force behind elements within the military-industrial complex. In Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, Steven Greer reveals that some aspects of the military-industrial complex believe that “we have to prepare the public for an interplanetary war, and in doing so, we can then also force the return of Christ” (Mazzola, 2020). The Gnostics, who spoke out against Christianity two thousand years ago, said this salvationist belief system is delusional and wrong and will do enormous harm to humanity [For more information on the Gnostic viewpoint, read my essay, Invasion of the Body Snatchers: A Gnostic Allegory – BB].
According to John Lamb Lash, annihilation theology is based on the redeemer complex, which is the belief that humans are fundamentally flawed and evil creatures who can only be corrected through the intervention of a superhuman agency. Although scientists have primarily rejected religious explanations for natural phenomena, they still cling to the notion that human beings are not inherently good enough to create a humane world. As Riane Eisler and Douglas Fry point out, “the notion of an innately flawed, ruthlessly selfish human nature is very similar to the religious dogma of original sin that for centuries justified strict top-down controls and punishments” (Eisler & Fry, 2019, p.24). In other words, the redeemer complex is a dominator ideology that Riane Eisler has refuted in her many books. She shows that while humans certainly do have the capacity for violence, we are wired to love and nurture each other because this was naturally selected in our evolutionary past. As she explains in Nurturing Our Humanity, “Love triggers neurochemical messages of well-being and pleasure. Our bodies give us these rewards when we are loved and when we love others, whether it is a child, a lover, a parent, a friend, or even a pet” (Eisler & Fry, 2019, p.44).
Many people argue that there will never be peace and that there will always be war in human society. However, this ignores the historical and archaeological evidence to the contrary: that there were human cultures in prehistory that corresponded to what Riane Eisler calls the Partnership model. For example, at Catal Huyuk and on Minoan Crete, there is no evidence of destruction by warfare for hundreds of years. Their art also celebrates women and nature rather than military campaigns. Indeed, it was only gradually, between 4500 BCE and 1500 BCE, that Dominator cultures replaced Partnership cultures. To quote Riane Eisler in The Chalice and the Blade, “Warfare was an essential instrument for replacing the partnership model with the dominator model. And war and other forms of social violence continued to play a central role in diverting our cultural evolution from a partnership to a dominator direction” (Eisler, 1988, p.47). In other words, we have been living in a dominator system for the past six thousand years – a mere 3% of our species’ history.
What does this have to do with UFOs and extraterrestrials? It shows that a better future is possible and that we can create a more peaceful world without war, poverty and environmental destruction, just like the extraterrestrial races have done on their home planets. According to Steven Greer, the basis for this relationship is the science of consciousness. During a near-death experience in 1973, Greer says he experienced “cosmic consciousness” where his individuality merged with the Universal Mind, and he could “see all of creation, the vastness of the cosmos, and it was beautiful beyond words” (Greer, 2017, p.237). The ancient Hermetics said that all creation emanated from a higher mind, which they called “The All” [For more information on the Hermetic viewpoint, read my essay, The Incredible Shrinking Man: A Hermetic Ending – BB]. This follows the Law of Mentalism, which states, “THE ALL IS MIND; The Universe is Mental” (Three Initiates, 2012, p.15). Naturally, Steven Greer’s experiences encouraged him to study meditation at the Maharishi International University during the 1970s.
At the end of The Day the Earth Stood Still, Klaatu tells the scientists, “We shall be waiting for your answer. The decision rests with you” (Wise, 1951). For many, contact has already begun due to the protocols developed by Steven Greer known as CE-5. Steven Greer and other ufologists divide UFO and ET encounters into five classifications known as “Close Encounters.” Close Encounters of the First Kind involve a sighting of a UFO. Close Encounters of the Second Kind involve a UFO leaving physical evidence behind. Close Encounters of the Third Kind involve a sighting of an extraterrestrial being. Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind involve a human being invited aboard a UFO. Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind involve human-initiated contact with UFOs and their occupants. J. Allen Hynek developed the first three classifications, while Jacques Vallee and Steven Greer added the fourth and fifth classifications.
Since 1990, Steven Greer has led meditation groups worldwide as a diplomatic core to initiate peaceful contact with extraterrestrial civilisations. Based on the principles of remote-viewing, which the CIA initially developed for espionage, CE-5 groups are present around the world. These principles are based on spiritual insights and values that involve elevating one’s consciousness to achieve inner peace and enlightenment. According to Rupert Matthews, the extraterrestrial that the Spanish businessman Senor Pablo encountered on 5 July 1978 said that humanity will make a similar spiritual evolution as other extraterrestrial races had already done (Matthews, 2008, p.146). As I hope to have shown in this essay, zero-point energy and the science of consciousness are the starting points for making this possible. The fact that we are still here shows humanity's tremendous power to overcome all obstacles to our destiny. Let us walk into the future with hope and optimism with our planetary neighbours.
The Day the Earth Stood Still is one of cinema’s most beloved science fiction stories. It portrays extraterrestrials as benign and concerned with our development as a civilisation, contrasting with later depictions of them as dangerous towards the human species. According to Steven Greer, the intelligence community implemented this change in perception to alter public opinion regarding our relationship with celestial beings to their agenda. However, despite years of secrecy and cover-up, millions of people around the world now embrace the UFO phenomenon as fact, and many people have come to understand that we are not alone in the universe.
Bates, Harry. Farewell to the Master: Annotated. Rio Rancho, Sterling Publications USA, 2021.
Bohus, Ted A. Candid Monsters Volume 5: Science Fiction Part 2. Las Vegas, Independent Publisher, 2020.
Calkins, Carroll C. Mysteries of the Unexplained: How Ordinary Men and Women Have Experienced the Strange, the Uncanny, and the Incredible. Pleasantville, Reader’s Digest, 1982.
Carson, Billy. Consciousness, CE5 Contact, and the Cosmos. Gaia, 2021. https://www.gaia.com/video/consciousness-ce5-contact-and-the-cosmos?fullplayer=feature
Eisler, Riane. The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future. San Francisco, Harper & Row, 1988.
Eisler, Riane. & Fry, Douglas P. Nurturing Our Humanity: How Domination and Partnership Shape Our Brains, Lives, and Future. New York, Oxford University Press, 2019.
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Greer, Steven M. Unacknowledged: An Expose of the World’s Greatest Secret. West Palm Beach, A&M Publishing, 2017.
Hillenkoetter, Roscoe H. Eisenhower Briefing Document. November 18, 1952. https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/eisenhower_briefing.pdf
Keyhoe, Donald. The Flying Saucers Are Real. Las Vegas, Independent Publisher, 2020.
Lash, John Lamb. Not In His Image: Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, and the Future of Belief. Vermont, Chelsea Green Publishing, 2006.
Matthews, Rupert. Alien Encounters: True-Life Stories of Aliens, UFOs and Other Extra-Terrestrial Phenomena. London, Capella, 2008.
Mazzola, Michael. Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind. USA, Sirius Disclosure, 2020. DVD.
Mazzola, Michael. Unacknowledged. USA, Sirius Disclosure, 2017. DVD.
Nyby, Christian. The Thing from Another World. USA, RKO, 1951. DVD.
Smith, Walter B. Flying Saucers. December 4, 1952. https://sb0396.a2cdn1.secureserver.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Walter-Smith-Flying-Saucers.pdf?time=1726880067
Stacy, Jan. & Syvertsen, Ryder. The Great Book of Movie Monsters. Chicago, Contemporary Books, 1983.
Three Initiates. The Kybalion: A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece. Las Vegas, Rough Draft Printing, 2012.
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Twining, Nathan F. White Hot Report. September 19, 1947. https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/twining_whitehotreport.pdf
Wise, Robert. The Day the Earth Stood Still. USA, 20th Century Fox, 1951. DVD.