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Brad's Battle Maps
"Maps are great teachers....detailed scrutiny of perhaps a single map, if it has been drawn with care and understanding, may yield as much information as many pages of the printed word." - John Keegan
Welcome to the official website for my historical battle map drawings. You can navigate your way around my website through the menu at the top of the page. I hope you enjoy your stay here. - Brad
Battle Map schedule: 2025
1 January: Chengpu (632 BCE)
7 January: Leuctra (371 BCE)
14 January: Talas (751)
21 January: Jerusalem (1099)
28 January: Nagashino (1575)
4 February: Vienna (1683)
11 February: Hydaspes (326 BCE)
18 February: Chalons (451 CE)
25 February: Ain Jalut (1260)
4 March: Crecy (1346)
11 March: Quebec (1759)
18 March: Ulm (1805)
Praise for Brad's Battle Maps:
"Nice work Brad, great detail." - Andre Way
"Wow Brad you have done a lot of research, incredible work." - Donna Lee Padron
"Very interesting! Looking forward to more...lots of info." - Liz Koppert
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