In 300 HE, the Battle of the Pumping Station was fought outside Haven City between the Krimzon Guard under Ashelin Praxis against the Metal Heads under Metal Kor during the Metal Head Wars.
Why did it happen?
When Mar I fell in battle against the Metal Heads, he was buried inside a secret tomb with the Precursor Stone to safeguard it until the day came when a new leader emerged to receive his legacy. During the reign of Baron Praxis, Krimzon Guard patrols were sent on suicide missions outside Haven City to recover artifacts from the reign of Mar I. Baron Praxis organised these patrols because he sought to find the Tomb of Mar and acquire the Precursor Stone for use in his war against the Metal Heads. As stated by one source, “He’s determined to wreak glorious revenge on the Metal Heads and he doesn’t care who gets caught up in the collateral damage” (Schrader, 2003, p.13). In 300 HE, the Baron’s daughter, Ashelin Praxis, was sent to the Pumping Station to recover an artifact containing the Seal of the House of Mar.
Who was involved?
The Krimzon Guard forces at the Pumping Station numbered 5 Guards and 1 Hellcat Cruiser. Guards were the elite shock troops of Haven City who served as soldiers in the frontline against the Metal Heads and as a ruthless police force for Haven City’s population. The Krimzon Guard’s vehicle of choice was the Hellcat Cruiser, which was a “fast attack craft used by the Krimzon Guard for patrol and riot response. Dual Turbo Cannons lay down punishing fire with a full 360⸰ turret sweep” (Shah, 2002, p.61). The Metal Head forces at the Pumping Station numbered 33 Juice Goons and Spyder Gunners. Both Metal Head species evolved between 3000 BHE and 280 HE and performed different combat roles, with Juice Goons acting as close-combat shock troops with their energy rods while Spyder Gunners acted as long-range support troops with their long-range lasers.
What happened?
Upon landing to inspect an artifact inscribed with the Seal of Mar, Ashelin’s squad was ambushed by four Spyder Gunners and Juice Goons. Upon defeating them, Ashelin and her squad formed a defensive perimeter to wait until reinforcements arrived. After being sent by Torn, Jak arrived at the Pumping Station, made his way along the beach, and climbed three rotating platforms up to the cliff to meet up with Ashelin and her Guards. Soon afterwards, Jak and Ashelin were ambushed by 24 Spyder Gunners and Juice Goons from over the mountainside. In the ensuing battle, three of Ashelin’s Guards were killed. However, three more waves of Spyder Gunners and Juice Goons appeared after Jak and Ashelin defeated the first wave. Facing encirclement, Jak transformed into Dark Jak and performed a Dark Bomb to wipe out the remaining Metal Heads.
What changed as a result?
The Battle of the Pumping Station was a Krimzon Guard victory. In the aftermath of the battle, Ashelin told Jak to report to Torn and the Underground that Baron Praxis was planning something big involving the Tomb of Mar before departing in her Hellcat Cruiser. Jak subsequently travelled to the East Bazaar to talk to the blind soothsayer Onin, who sent Jak on several missions to acquire Precursor Artifacts that would open No Man’s Canyon and reveal the location of Mar’s Tomb. The Light Tower was subsequently activated, and a series of lasers combined into one, shooting out over Haven City and through a statue of Baron Praxis between the Port and Haven Palace, revealing the Tomb of Mar. Jak subsequently passed the tests of manhood and entered the Tomb’s main chamber, only to be confronted by Baron Praxis in his Spider-Mech, who stole the Precursor Stone and imprisoned Samos and Tess inside the Fortress. Baron Praxis was later killed by Metal Kor during the Siege of Haven City and passed on the Precursor Stone to Jak, who used it to power Mar’s Gun, break open the Metal Head Nest and defeat Metal Kor.
Naughty Dog. Jak II. Sony Computer Entertainment. PlayStation 2. 2003.
Off, Greg. Jak II: Official Strategy Guide. Indianapolis, Brady Games, 2003.
Schrader, Nathali. Jak II: The Complete Official Guide. London, Piggyback, 2003.
Shah, Reuben. Jak II Design Bible. Raleigh, Naughty Dog, 2002.
Tim H. “Pumping station map.” Jak and Daxter Wiki. Accessed November 9, 2023. www.jakanddaxter.fandom.com/wiki/Pumping_station?file=Pumping_station_map.png